Paying for Comfy Lives using Currency of Wildlife | Fresh Tracks Weekly (Ep. 81)
This week, we’re discussing how wildlife and habitat are often used as currency to pay for our high standards of living and lower energy costs. We also discuss how issues are very often only evaluated economically and not biologically.
In Montana, a judge just ruled in favor of Montana Fish, Wil...
Conservation Groups Can't Bid on Oil & Gas | Fresh Tracks Weekly (Ep. 80)
This week, we’re discussing Wyoming’s recent ban on conservation groups bidding on oil and gas leases on state land and how, by doing so, they might actually be hurting the school system that they’re obligated to fund.
A recently published study shows how human recreation and noise can negativel...
Follow the Science... Unless You Don't Like It | Fresh Tracks Weekly (Ep. 79)
This week, for our deeper dive, we’re talking about a new research project on Chronic Wasting Disease in Wyoming and how the best available science to slow the spread of the disease is likely not what hunters want to hear.
In Wyoming, a ranch and family are attempting to close down a road that a...
No More OTC Elk in CO? | Fresh Tracks Weekly (Ep. 77)
This week, we discuss how Colorado might shift away from over-the-counter opportunities for non-resident archery elk hunting.
In Texas, the Parks and Wildlife Department killed off an entire herd of high-fence white-tailed deer after a severe Chronic wasting Disease outbreak and years of legal b...
Conflicts of Intrest on Game Commsions | Fresh Tracks Weekly (Ep. 76)
This week, we discussed some potential conflicts of interest within Fish and Wildlife commissions and how certain individuals could directly benefit from their votes as commissioners.
In Montana, the statewide mule deer permit was recently raffled off by Backcountry Hunters and Anglers, raising...
Reduction in Wild Horses | Fresh Tracks Weekly (Ep. 75)
This week, we are talking about Wild Horses in the West. They’ve been overpopulated on public lands for years… but have finally seen the biggest single-year population reduction since 1985.
Randy failed to mention last week that he received the Wallace Pate award at the RMEF celebration. This is...
BLM Policy Punted like a Political Football | Fresh Tracks Weekly (Ep. 74)
Randy Newberg TAKEOVER!
Marcus and Michael are busy catching Walleye and Smallmouth so Randy stepped in to deliver this week’s news.
On this week’s episode, we are celebrating Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation’s 40th Anniversary. In the last 40 years, RMEF has amassed 12,000 members, conserved 8....
Becoming a Better Shot | Fresh Tracks Weekly (Ep. 72)
This week we’re discussing a news series we're creating to become a better shot with a rifle but also how recreational shooters might contribute more money to conservation than hunters.
A few news stories from this week include the following.
In Alaska the Bureau of Land management has released...
What Creates Hunting Culture? | Fresh Tracks Weekly (Ep. 71)
This week, we’re discussing what creates hunting culture and how it changes over time and by region.
This week, we have just a few headlines, including a bill that, if voters approve it, could impose an additional tax on firearms and ammunition in Colorado.
Boulder County implemented a hunting ...
Taking Away Public Ownership of Fish And Wildlife? |Fresh Tracks Weekly Ep. (70)
This week, we’re talking about how there’s a potential threat to the public’s ownership of fish and wildlife as the Georgia Legislature passed a bill that stripped language from a law that had to do with the public trust doctrine.
A few news stories that we also cover include;
The Alaska Govern...
Suing the Feds for Profit | Fresh Tracks Weekly (Ep. 69)
This week, we are discussing how non-profits will sue federal agencies to stop them from managing land and how they use the Equal Access to Justice Act to profit from the lawsuits.
Also, a few headlines we found interesting include;
In Washington, the push to restore grizzly bears in the North...
Arizona Cancels Auction Tags | Fresh Tracks Weekly (Ep. 68)
This week, we discuss how the Arizona Game and Fish Commission just voted to cancel its auction permits, which had previously raised millions of dollars for conservation.
In addition to that, we touch on a few headlines and legislative updates.
In Montana, a bill from the last legislative sessi...
Putting More Sheep on the Mountain | Fresh Tracks Weekly (Ep. 67)
This week, we are discussing putting more animals on the mountain, with bighorn sheep in Montana as the main example. We will also briefly cover the following headlines.
In Kentucky, a bill has passed out of Committee and to the Senate that could have significant consequences for the Kentucky De...
Screwing Over the Non-Resident Hunter | Fresh Tracks Weekly (Ep. 66)
This week we are talking about screwing over the Non-resident hunter, how multiple states are adopting regulations that restrict numbers, restrict access, or raise prices for non-residents… along with a few news stories which include;
In Montana, Fish Wildlife and Parks plans to give out a free ...
Don't Watch This Video! | Fresh Tracks Weekly (Ep. 65)
This week, we are discussing YouTube and social media, why certain hunting content rises to the top, and why certain things come across your individual feed.
We also have a few news stories to cover, including:
In Wyoming, a bill is currently making its way through the state House of Representa...
Wild Game Flavors | Fresh Tracks Weekly (Ep. 64)
This week, we have a special guest, Kara Landolfi, and we will discuss some misconceptions about wild game meat.
In addition to that, we have a few news stories we found interesting.
In Idaho, a bill was recently introduced that would allow outfitters to purchase an additional bighorn sheep, m...
Managing Wildlife Into the Ground? | Fresh Tracks Weekly (Ep. 63)
This week, we talk about how hunting regulations impact wildlife populations and how people often overemphasize the impact hunters have on wildlife.
In Nebraska, a bill was introduced to transfer money from the state game fund into the general fund and from the Habitat and State parks funds into...
Increased Hunting Demand in the West | Fresh Tracks Weekly (Ep. 62)
This week, we are talking about the increase of hunters in the West, the increase in population in the Western states, and what it means for the future of wildlife and their habitats. Also, we talk about some of the friction between non-resident and resident hunters.
In Washington, the bill to m...
Displacing Iowa Deer Hunters | Fresh Tracks Weekly (Ep. 60)
This week, we are going to talk about a bill in Iowa that could have a rippling effect of displacing hunters and the dangers of going down the road of privatizing hunting.
The Bureau of Land Management recently released its roadmap for solar energy development on public lands in the West.
In Mo...
End of Non-Resident Caribou Hunting | Fresh Tracks Weekly (Ep. 59)
This week, our deeper dive is about recent proposals in Alaska that could shut down a ton of Caribou hunting for non-residents.
Read Alaska Board of Game Proposals for upcoming meeting here: https://www.adfg.alaska.gov/index.cfm?adfg=gameboard.meetinginfo&date=01-26-2024&meeting=kotzebue
Wolves in Colorado, Randy Working Out, And a Recap of 2023! | FTW (EP.58)
This week, Michael discusses what everyone has been doing in the office. A few news pieces and ends with a deeper dive with the Fresh Tracks Crew.
DON'T SIGN THIS PETITION! | Fresh Tracks Weekly Ep. 57
Ballot Initiative 193 is a terrible idea! Find out why and much more this week on Fresh Tracks Weekly with Randy Newberg!
Conservation Easements Explained | Fresh Tracks Weekly (EP.56)
Randy explains how conservation easements work in the West, gives us an update on what has been going on around the office, and shares an exclusive promo code with Sitka Gear!
MORE Predators on the Landscape in Colorado? | Fresh Tracks Weekly (Ep. 55)
On this week's episode, we recap our crew's hunting season and jump into some news surrounding Colorado predators.
Backcountry BC and Ceasar Lake Outfitters
• https://backcountrybcandbeyond.com/Randy's British Columbia Caribou & Moose
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0B0rIAww7hA&t=705sSe...