2024 Utah Application Strategy
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Utah offers some of the best western big-game hunting opportunities for those willing to wait a long time to draw a tag. Follow along as Randy breaks how his big game application process for Utah!
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Taking Away Public Ownership of Fish ...
This week, we’re talking about how there’s a potential threat to the public’s ownership of fish and wildlife as the Georgia Legislature passed a bill that stripped language from a law that had to do with the public trust doctrine.
A few news stories that we also cover include;
The Alaska Govern...
What Are The Biggest Threats to Publi...
Randy, Marcus, Michael, and Jace sit down to discuss the biggest threats to public land hunting.
Suing the Feds for Profit | Fresh Tra...
This week, we are discussing how non-profits will sue federal agencies to stop them from managing land and how they use the Equal Access to Justice Act to profit from the lawsuits.
Also, a few headlines we found interesting include;
In Washington, the push to restore grizzly bears in the North...