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2024 Utah Application Strategy

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  • Taking Away Public Ownership of Fish ...

    This week, we’re talking about how there’s a potential threat to the public’s ownership of fish and wildlife as the Georgia Legislature passed a bill that stripped language from a law that had to do with the public trust doctrine.

    A few news stories that we also cover include;

    The Alaska Govern...

  • What Are The Biggest Threats to Publi...

    Randy, Marcus, Michael, and Jace sit down to discuss the biggest threats to public land hunting.

  • Suing the Feds for Profit | Fresh Tra...

    This week, we are discussing how non-profits will sue federal agencies to stop them from managing land and how they use the Equal Access to Justice Act to profit from the lawsuits.

    Also, a few headlines we found interesting include;

    In Washington, the push to restore grizzly bears in the North...